






  据了解,湖北神丹公司引进世界先进加工设备,通过清洗干燥、紫外线杀菌、涂油保鲜、剔除散黄蛋、剔除裂纹蛋、称重分级、喷码包装等八道工序严格把关,对鸡蛋做保洁处理,在国内首家推出“保洁蛋”。由湖北神丹公司牵头起草的《保洁蛋地方标准》2009年10月1日前已正式实施。《标准》对“保洁蛋”做出明确定义:选用符合国家标准的鲜禽蛋经过清洗、干燥、杀菌、喷码、涂膜等加工处理后的产品。 这一标准有望在蛋品行业内得到广泛实施。目前我国鲜蛋国标GB2748对蛋壳只有外观要求,如“清洁”等字眼,并没有要求检测禽流感、大肠杆菌等,市场上依然是“脏蛋横行”。这次香港的禽流感事件,再次给蛋品安全敲起了警钟,《保洁蛋地方标准》应升级为国家标准,加强消费者的食品安全意识。

Fifteen years as one day

"Fifteen years as one day" Hubei Shendan loves to help students, and then pairs to help 66 students

A group photo of Shendan Company, Hengshui Middle School, and Chendian Middle School Aid Group on October 27th, Hubei Shendan Company held a donation activity for the 15th Hunshui Middle School and the 4th Chendian Middle School , 66 donated students interacted with their brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. Zhou Yousheng, vice chairman of the Anlu Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Sun Ning, director of the Anlu Education Bureau, Wu Dabin, the mayor of Hunshui Town, and Luo Hao, the mayor of Chendian Township, all witnessed this warm moment.

Shendan organized a group appearance at the opening ceremony of the 10th National Games and cheered for the 10th National Games!

On the morning of October 28th, the 10th Wuhan Games opened at Hanyang No. 1 Middle School Stadium in Caidian District. Chen Yixin, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of Wuhan Municipal Committee, Mayor Wan Yong, Mayor of Caidian District People's Government, and 10th Wuhan Games Group Peng Qiaodi, deputy director of the committee, and other leaders attended the opening ceremony.
Shendan Cup

"Shendan Cup" youth track and field competition perfectly interprets "youth prosperity and national prosperity"

On November 1, the three-day Wuhan Shenyang Cup "Shendan Cup" youth track and field competition ended in Hanyang No. 1 Middle School in Caidian District. 564 athletes from 13 districts competed on the heroes on the field, fully demonstrating the spirit of hard work of the younger generation.

Good news: Huang Fufang won a special award of 100,000 yuan from the chairman of the board-Hubei Shendan 2017 Section 2 Summary and Commendation and Section 3 Work Mobilization Conference Held

The conference commended 32 advanced units and responsible persons in the western region and Zhang Ping and other 203 advanced workers and awarded medals and certificates. 21 awards, 20 innovations, 36 proposals and management teams were rewarded, with a total amount of 690,000 yuan. This heavy prize, the Dragon Boat Festival Group Purchase Challenge Award, won 100,000 yuan by Huang Fufang, the Ministry of E-Commerce.


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