The practice of preserved egg lean meat porridge

The practice of preserved egg lean meat porridge

The practice of preserved egg lean meat porridge

The practice of preserved egg lean meat porridge


  Preserved egg lean meat porridge is one of the local traditional snacks in Guangdong province. The preserved egg lean meat porridge is rich in nutrients, with the preserved egg and salted lean meat as ingredients. The ingredients in different areas are different. Some people will add sesame oil and green onion before eating, and some may add green onion or crisp. In addition, there are also preserved egg and pork porridge evolved from preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which uses fresh slices of meat instead of salted and lean meat as ingredients. The line is simply called "preserved egg thin", also known as "flavored porridge".

  Preserved egg lean meat porridge is loved by the elderly due to its sticky texture, smooth taste, and good digestion, so what are the practices of preserved egg lean meat porridge?

  Practice one

  1. Peel and peel the preserved eggs, each cut into 8 equal parts for use.

  2. Wash and mix the rice with a small amount of oil.

  3. Wash the ginger and shred it, wash the chives and cut them into chopped green onions, and chopped cilantro.

  4. Wash and drain the lean pork meat, marinate with 3 teaspoons of fine salt for 3 hours to taste, then put it in a steamer and steam for 20 minutes to take out the slices.

  5. Cut the fritters into small pieces, put them in a hot oil pan, and fry on low heat for about 30 seconds until they are crispy, then remove the drain oil.

  6. Put the rice in the porridge pot, add water to boil, turn to medium heat and cook for about 30 minutes.

  7. Add boiled eggs, lean meat slices, ginger shreds and other seasonings and boil them together, then continue to cook for a few minutes and then turn off the heat. Just add fritters, cilantro, green onion and pepper before eating.

  Method two

  2 preserved eggs, cut into granules; lean meat cut into thin slices, first put a small amount of food powder and salt, and mix well until gelled, then add a small amount of water, mix well, then add a few raw powder, mix well and then put in A small amount of water, such as Sanfan Ling, fully absorb the water, join in the oil, ginger and so on, and marinate for 4 hours, set aside; roll off the bottom of the porridge, put the ginger and preserved egg first, then roll away , Put the pieces of meat, when the meat floats, lift off the fire, sprinkle coriander, green onion, drip a few drops of sesame oil

  Practice three

  1. Put the rice in a large bowl, rub it with water, wash it, put it in water for 30 minutes

  2. Wash the soaked rice again, drain the water and pour it into the pot. The water is appropriate. The amount of water is about twice that of ordinary cooking. Cover the pot, press the switch to start cooking

  3. After immersing the lean meat in the bleeding water, rinse and clean it, cut into shredded meat, put in appropriate salt, 1/4 scoop of chicken essence, cooking wine, starch, mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes.

  4. Peel the preserved egg and cut into small cubes

  5. After the porridge is boiled, remove the lid and leave some gaps to prevent the pan from boiling. Cook for 10 minutes and dispose of the porridge water. After the porridge is thickened, remove the lid and stir with a spoon from time to time.

  6. Use another pot, pour a small amount of water, boil down the shredded meat, use chopsticks to disperse, cook until all the color becomes lighter

  7. After removing, rinse with warm water to remove the foam, drain the water

  8. The porridge is thoroughly cooked, the porridge water is relatively thick, then add shredded pork, Beijing color, appropriate salt, 1/4 spoon of chicken essence, cook for another minute, then stir with a spoon, add sesame oil, mix well Sheng Sheng

  Practice four

  1. Put the rice in a large bowl, rub it with water, wash it, put it in water for 30 minutes

  2. Wash the soaked rice again, drain the water and pour it into the pot. The water is appropriate. The amount of water is about twice that of ordinary cooking. Cover the pot, press the switch to start cooking

  3. After the lean meat is soaked in the bleeding water, rinse and clean it, cut into shredded meat, put in appropriate salt, 1/4 spoon of chicken essence, cooking wine, starch, mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes

  4. Peel the preserved egg and cut into small cubes

  5. After the porridge is boiled, remove the lid and leave some gaps to prevent the pan from boiling. Cook for 10 minutes and dispose of the porridge water. After the porridge is thickened, remove the lid and stir with a spoon from time to time.

  6. Use another pot, pour a small amount of water, boil down the shredded meat, use chopsticks to disperse, cook until all the color becomes lighter

  7. After removing, rinse with warm water to remove the foam, drain the water

  8. The porridge is thoroughly cooked, the porridge water is relatively thick, then add shredded pork, Beijing color, appropriate salt, 1/4 spoon of chicken essence, cook for another minute, then stir with a spoon, add sesame oil, mix well Sheng Sheng

  Method 5

  Ginger peeled and shredded, chopped green onion, minced meat;

  1. Wash and clean the rice, put it in water, pour the sesame oil and mix well, soak for 30 minutes;

  2. Add water to the pan, boil the preserved egg for 5 minutes after boiling;

  3. Put the chopped lean meat into a bowl, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, mix well and marinate for 20 minutes;

  4. The steamed preserved eggs are cut into small cubes;

  5. Pour clean water into the pot. After boiling, pour the meat pieces for 3 minutes. When there is foam on the water surface, use a soup spoon to skim it off;

  6. Then pour half of the preserved eggs;

  7. Pour the shredded ginger and cook for about 2 minutes;

  8. Remove the soaked rice and pour it into the rice cooker;

  Practice Six

  1. Wash and clean the rice, put in water, pour sesame oil and mix well, set aside and soak for 30 minutes. Peel and cut ginger into fine filaments, chopped shallot Cut the preserved egg into small pieces.

  2. Cut the meat into slices, then shred, and finally cut into small particles. Place in a bowl, add 1/4 teaspoon (1 gram) of salt, mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.

  3. Pour clean water into the pot, boil the fire, and pour the meat into the boil for a moment. When there is foam on the water, use a spoon to clean it thoroughly, then pour half of the pine flower egg pieces, and then pour the ginger. Cook for about 2 minutes.

  4. Pour the immersed rice and change to low heat and cook for 40 minutes. During this period, mix with the spoon in the same direction every 5 minutes to avoid sticking the preserved egg to the bottom of the pot.

  5. Finally, pour in the remaining half of the preserved eggs and continue to cook for 10 minutes. Transfer the remaining salt and chopped green onion before drinking.

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